I.The CBRC is responsible for determining, investigating and banning illegal fund-raising activities as well as related organization and coordination. 银监会负责非法集资的认定、查处和取缔及相关的组织协调工作。
The approval file that the estate guaranty of illegal person business, organization requires to refer branch of its property right to agree with guaranty. 非法人企业、组织的房地产抵押需提交其产权部门同意抵押的批准文件。
Karez are generally illegal channels, open channel, shaft, and waterlogging dam four-part organization. 坎儿井一般由暗道、明渠、竖井和涝坝四部分组织。
The controller of the company that be rectified reachs concerned personnel, ought to correct the illegal action of the company instantly, accept those who rectify an organization is daily supervise. 被整顿公司的负责人及有关人员,应当立即纠正公司的违法行为,接受整顿组织的日常监督。
He said cloning is not illegal in 170 countries and his organization intends "to do it in a legal country where there are conditions that permit it." 他说克隆在170个国家是不违法的,他的组织打算“在条件允许而又合法化的国家进行人类克隆”
You have no choice but to break away from the illegal organization. 译:除了摆脱那个非法组织,你别无选择。
I don't want to get mixed up with any illegal organization. 我不想同什么不合法的组织牵连在一起。
The illegal immigration is a kind of multination and pan-district criminal offence with organization that have been disturbing both the nomal international association rules and the immigrating order, injuring the national sovereignty, the society stability and the legal system dignities, endangering personal life and properties safety. 非法移民扰乱了正常的国际交往规则和移民秩序,损害国家主权、社会稳定和法制尊严,危及个人的生活和财产安全,是一种有组织的跨国、跨地区的违法犯罪行为。
The development of Shandong Youth Self Organization includes many problems, such as illegal identity, inattentive organization, poor stability, the lack of development funds and long-term planning. 山东青年自组织的发展存在着诸多问题,如身份不合法、管理松散、组织稳定性差、发展资金匮乏、缺乏长远规划等。
In organization sell human organs of the behavior of people use illegal detention behavior, or organization sell human organs forged false evidence behavior was implicated crime, punishment according to the crime. 从事组织出卖人体器官的行为人运用非法拘禁的行为,或者为组织出卖人体器官伪造虚假证明材料的行为成立牵连犯,按照一罪名处罚。
Analysis of the Industry Committee are likely to be a body corporate, have the qualification or do not enjoy civil subject of illegal people eligible unincorporated business organizations and the general organization of the qualification proceedings. 业委会分别可能成为法人团体,享有民事主体资格或者不享有民事主体资格的非法人组织和非法人也无诉讼主体资格的一般组织。
Unfortunately, however, the private financial organizations tend to be defined as an illegal organization, not only that it has no legal status, and its role in the development of SMEs is also often neglected. 但是,遗憾的是因为民间金融组织往往被定位非法组织,不仅其没有合法的地位,而其在中小企业发展中的作用也往往被忽视。
Illegal absorb public deposits refers to the individual or enterprise or other organization without the approval of the financial regulators, open to the public to illegal absorb deposits or in disguised form absorb deposit to disrupt the financial order behavior. 非法吸收公众存款是指个人、企业或其它组织未经国家金融监管机构批准,公开向社会公众非法吸收存款或者变相吸收存款扰乱金融秩序的行为。
Organization control can only exist in the illegal gang, and can not apply mechanically to the legitimate economic organization and other organizations. 组织支配只能存在于具有法律违反性的机器中,而不能套用到合法的经济组织和其他组织中去。